Minecraft Beyond the Lands Texture Pack Review

The Minecraft Beyond the Lands Texture Pack by Tomaxed brings us a series of textures that aim to completely revamp the look of the game. With this pack the world is altered to a medieval/fantasy style that one would expect to see in a build focused around castles and the such. It works well in keeping things realistic while improving various texture qualities.

The world looks particularly great with a nice set of natural greens and the caves have a nice new distinct look to them. I did find the cobblestone layered fairly smoothly so it may make some cave systems harder to navigate. The blocks all look like their original base textures in that you could easily tell them apart.

You'll immediately be able to tell that cobble is cobble or that certain stones are different types without any troubles. They still will all look new and different, but you'll know which blocks are which. The mobs are also well done adding to that level of realism with some better looking traditional creatures and some more human type villagers.
Minecraft Beyond the Lands Texture Pack Review

The Conclusion

The Beyond the Lands Texture Pack is a fine addition to your building whether you're looking for a more natural look or wanting to use it in specific build. It's fantastic for that medieval or fantasy type world if you're trying to build something like that. The city based stone blocks look really great as do many of the greens such as for trees.

The paintings are somewhat fancy though some aren't great. The weapons look nice, the Mooshrooms are well done and almost all textures have been tweaked. It's a solid pack for those wanting this type of look and it all comes down to preference here. It does feel similar to what the Skyrim mash-up pack has to offer, but is distinct enough to provide a unique look.

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Rating Overall: 8.2

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner