Minecraft Forbidden Forest Review

The Minecraft Forbidden Forest is a Store Community World that offers a completely fresh adventure within the game. Created by Blockception I wasn't too impressed with this map as it went towards the higher price tier while not offering much of an objective. The map provides a small town with some disorganized small structures surrounding it. The goal here is to mainly assemble a Wither by grinding out skulls or finding a hidden selection and that's it. I wasn't too impressed with the general design of the area and while the architecture was nice, it wasn't anything too exciting.

The landscaping was alright and in line with the theme, as was the design of the various buildings. This area just didn't seem very large and didn't carry too much creativity in providing something unique to the store. I could see this providing a solid starting area for a survival world, but other than that I wouldn't suggest it. There's not really even anything to loot as over 95% of chests are empty and the area seemed lifeless. While I don't typically check out the survival focused levels this one seemed like it might have more to it, that wasn't the case. I should also mention the solid set of odd custom textures for mobs as the pumpkin spiders were cool as were the creepy bush Creepers.

Minecraft Forbidden Forest Review

The Conclusion

This Forbidden Forest from Blockception wasn't terribly impressive though alright as a survival spawn point if that's your sort of thing. The added music for the level was excellent and noticeably scary. The theme that was aimed for this level was well emulated, but there just wasn't much here. When you compare the coin price to other similar levels I'm really not sure what the justification is. It's mostly just a few scattered buildings surrounding a town square and an average castle. The castle itself also had a strange sense of scale that didn't feel natural to the rest of the level. I'd once again love to make note of how great the music was, excellent sounds.

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Review Done on Minecraft Windows 10
Review Coins Provided by Microsoft

Rating Overall: 4.7

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner