Minecraft Monster Battle Arena Review

The Minecraft Monster Battle Arena is a Store Community World that offers a completely fresh adventure within the game. Created by Jigarbov this world provides an arena of battle for mobs and players. This level is split into a number of modes that almost all tie in together in some way. The first is a standard sort of wave survival, you battle creatures alone or together with your number of players factoring into difficulty. It can be rather difficult and this works towards you doing the adventure aspect. This has you learning about the area and then you get better items based on doing so. I honestly didn't like this being sort of forced as I wanted to just battle in an arena with my friends.

That being said, I understand the addition as it adds value to doing side things though I imagined this would just be an arena battler so I was disappointed there. I'm sure others will feel this way as they imagine the map is just an easy going arena to battle in. It also includes a really in-depth mob against mob system where you can spawn creatures to battle one another against a friend. This was really cool as you could adjust certain aspects of the world and then send out creatures to fight. The final option of play is just to use it as a survival world, but I don't really see too much of an appeal for doing that.

Minecraft Monster Battle Arena Review

The Conclusion

This Monster Battle Arena from Jigarbov is a fine coliseum of conflict with well setup levels of monsters to battle and the option to have these creatures fight amongst themselves. I would have liked more choice in just straight up playing the level without having to unlock things, but appreciate the extra attempt at adding value to the level. The setup for spawning mobs is well done and I liked the in-depth options for spawning creatures or adjusting world settings. The coliseum is well designed and the board is simple for selecting the mode you'd like to do. Overall a solid addition for fun games to play and while the level might be challenging for regular waves, it works well.

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Review Done on Minecraft Windows 10
Review Coins Provided by Microsoft

Rating Overall: 8.0

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner