Minecraft Space Battle Simulator Review

The Minecraft Space Battle Simulator is a Store Community World that offers a completely fresh competitive pvp system within the game. This particular pack was a lot of fun, developed by QwertyuiopThePie the goal was to provide epic space battles. That it does as the game is setup like a pvp situation where teams of players protect their ships while also hopping over to the other side in order to inflict damage there. It's a great idea and it would be amazing to see if applied to other things like castle wars or pirate ship battles. It can however be rather complicated with what you're doing and even now I'm not entirely sure I know every little thing we can do after many matches of playing.

There's a full toured tutorial to go over all the small features so that was appreciated. It's also neat how much change is made to the core of Minecraft since you teleport places, get mission stats over text and blast at each other's ships. It's also well setup with multiple important rooms such as one for oxygen, shields and phasers. It feels like the real deal having tight corridors and simulates the experience well. We had an absolute blast hopping between ships though it does at times get to a stalemate situation and I wish there was something that could keep matches more timely.

Minecraft Minecraft Space Battle Simulator Review

The Conclusion

This is a fun pvp match and something that is great to play in small groups. I heavily suggest checking this one out if you're looking for action packed experiences in the game. It takes Minecraft and really modifies it into something crazy and I'd like to see this concept applied to other designs. Space Battle Simulator works incredibly well and I was certainly impressed by playing it. I was further ecstatic about the positive response everyone had to it while playing since it was fun and really competitive. We'd keep teleporting to each other's ships to wreck havoc and it was just wild trying to keep it all from falling apart.

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Review Done on Minecraft Windows 10
Review Coins Provided by Microsoft

Rating Overall: 8.0

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner