Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blood of the Dead is a Remaster

If you're overwhelmed by the announcement of the multiple zombies maps, you may have missed the tease for a remaster and or remake of a well loved level from the franchise. Returning from Black Ops 2's Uprising DLC, Mob of the Dead is back as "Blood of the Dead" in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. This map takes place on Alcatraz Island and in correct order was the second map in the series. This new take on it will follow the Origins crew as they attempt to deal with zombies like the original mobsters did. It's the next step in the narrative that was continued throughout the third entry in the series.

It aims to tie up additional loose ends while players end any undead monsters that get in the way. The Afterlife mechanic was introduced here with epic moments as you attempted to end up running around on a deadly nearby bridge. The map featured multiple levels of verticality and tight corridors making each area a deadly trap. It was a blast to play being very dark in nature, yet full of fun surprises. It appears to be similar in design to the original, though little was shown and I imagine tweaks will have been made.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blood of the Dead Screenshot

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner