Top 10 Halo 2 Maps

Combat Evolved was a huge game and was the flagship for the Xbox platform. Of course after the original game there would be a follow up where Earth would never be the same. That's right, things were stepped up this time and the battle headed to Earth. Halo 2 was also the biggest online multiplayer game of all time and really launched Xbox Live.

#10: Burial Mounds

One of the more strange maps from the game, Burial Grounds is heavily setup for one-sided objective matches between the base and the open wasteland. There's destruction everywhere in this wasteland though the environment was simple yet enchanting for intense combat.

Halo 2 Burial Mounds Map

#9: Terminal

Really showcasing the battleground of Earth and perfect for a big team battle Terminal features an enclosed human area. Aside from some small bases there's a parkade and of course the signature train that runs through the middle of the map taking people out on the occasion.

Halo 2 Terminal Map

#8: Headlong

Another classic big team battle map and a favorite of mine is Headlong. This is a construction site featuring many ramp areas for vehicles and still having a ton of verticality to it with skyscrapers and smaller side area. There's always something going on from people jumping off of heights, those walking on balance beams and warthogs doing jumps.

Halo 2 Headlong Map

#7: Elongation

A narrow map split off into multiple lanes, combat is engaged on two levels of intense action. There's some hopping down from the higher level whereas other spartans are shooting from below. Massive crates also flow across the bottom floors which allow quicker access to higher levels and death is everywhere from the tight corridors.

Halo 2 Elongation Map

#6: Midship

A small interior of a covenant ship is where combat takes place this time around as it has become a favorite within the Halo series over time. The map features smooth ramps around the sides with bases across from either and an open bridge in the middle housing the powerful energy sword.

Halo 2 Midship Map

#5: Ivory Tower

I'll never know what it's with this map though I'll always have the fondest of memories battling for the top point of the map while enemies engaged from all sort of areas. Whether that be the intense lift or the vario9us ramps everyone's fighting for the high point. Featuring palm trees and a weird center area this map is ever graceful and somehow still a plain sight to behold.

Halo 2 Ivory Tower Map

#4: Shrine

Shrine is one of the most perfect objective maps in Halo featuring two bases on opposite ends with a central open area where most of the combat takes place. Remade so many times in later games they never quite capture the power of the original with the classic olden rocks and almost completely alien buildings.

Halo 2 Shrine Map

#3: Lockout

This is probably the most remade Halo map in the entire franchise or at least close to it in this perfect map. Lockout features a center area though many stay away as movement is done across the various connecting zones. There's a sniper tower; a high point, a side area to the high point and a grav lift area. It's perfectly done and combat effectively battle it out as all these points connect. Two power weapons are also the focus of the map as it's a match between the energy sword and the shotgun.

Halo 2 Lockout Map

#2: Zanzibar

Another iconic map is the one featuring a massive wheel that spins within the middle. This is Zanzibar or Last Resort depending on your preference of Halo titles. Many players just walk upon the wheel while others use vehicles from the beach in order to assault the usual one-sided objective match.

Halo 2 Zanzibar Map

#1: Ascension

The battle for the power of tower is real with this crazy map that floats about in the clouds. There's a spinning structure in the middle that's surrounded by two bases and of course a crazy banshee thrown into the mix which always throws everyone off. Perfect for sniper matches, slayer of one-sided objectives this is a perfect map for any scenario.

Halo 2 Ascension Map

Did I get something completely wrong or mess up the order? Let me know in the comments and feel free to check out the Top 10 Halo 3 Multiplayer maps next!

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner