-Killhouse is the training area at the beginning of the game and is perfect for Team Tactical games





-Creek is a long stretch valley with plenty of shrubs and trees for great sniper cover. It has a cave and a few buildings making it one of the best sniping maps


-Broadcast is a large news room with an outdoor courtyard of blown up cars and trucks. Tons of computers and screens to blow up


-Chinatown features a wide range of connecting buildings and a video store. It has a few turrets and cars with endless killing opportunities.

Downloadable Content

Variety Map Pack                     800










The next installment has redefined

Shooters and has set high standards for

years to come. Even a year or so later

we are still playing it. With addictively

fun online and lots of prestige's it 

keeps you plenty busy. It brings you

right to the frontlines like never before.

Tons of campaign levels about the

Middle East fronts along with the

 discovery of some nuclear weapons.

Amazing graphics it is definitely one

of the most photo realistic games ever.

Lots of different online play features and unlockable gun patterns with headshots

2007 Game of the Year


Best Graphics of E3 2007

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