
Player Ability

-Full Health                                                          #1

-Car Mass (increased mass)                                 #2

-Milk Bones (increased Melee damage)              #3

-Add Police Notoriety +1 Star                             #4

-Player Pratfalls (LB or RB to Fall)                    #5

-Infinite Sprint                                                     #6

-Unlimited Ammo                                               #9

-Infinite Ammo                                                   #11

-Heaven Bound (Bodies Float Up When Killed)#12

-Add Gang Notoriety +1 Gang                           #35

-Never Die                                                          #36

-No Cop Notoriety                                              #50

-No Gang Notoriety                                            #51

-I Am Giant (Become Large)                             #200

-Itty Bitty (Become Tiny)                                   #201

-Give Cash (Gain 1,000)                                    #2274666399



-Repair Car                                                         #1056

-Ambulance                                                        #1040

-Anchor                                                              #1041

-Atlasbreaker                                                      #1042

-Attrazione                                                         #1043

-Backdraft                                                          #1044

-Backhoe                                                            #1045

-Bag Boy                                                            #1046

-Baron                                                                #1047

-Bear                                                                  #1048

-Bootlegger                                                        #1049

-Bulldog                                                             #1050

-Bulldozer                                                          #1051

-Compton                                                           #1052

-Eiswolf                                                              #1053

-FBI                                                                    #1054

-Five O                                                               #1055

-Hollywood                                                        #1057

-Justice                                                               #1058

-Kent                                                                  #1058

-Mag                                                                  #1060

-Mixmaster                                                        #1061

-Mongoose                                                        #1062

-Oring                                                                #1063

-Phoenix                                                            #1064

-Quasar                                                              #1065

-Quota                                                               #1066

-Rampage                                                          #1067

-Raycaster                                                         #1068

-Reaper                                                              #1069

-Septic Avenger                                                #1070

-Shaft                                                                #1071

-Stilwater Municipal                                         #1072

-Superiore                                                         #1073

-Taxi                                                                 #1074

-The Job                                                           #1075

-Titan                                                                #1076

-Toad                                                                #1077

-Varsity                                                            #1078

-Venom Classic                                               #1079

-Vortex                                                             #1080

-Zenith                                                              #1081

-Horizon (Helicopter)                                       #711

-Snipes57                                                          #712

-Tornado (Police Helicopter)                           #713

-Wolverine (51 Mustang Airplane)                  #714

-Kaneda (Custom Motorcycle)                         #801

-Kenshin (Motorcycle)                                      #802

-Melbourne (Motorcycle)                                  #803

-Sabretooth (Motorcycle)                                  #804

-Sandstorm (Dirt Bike)                                     #805

-Widowmaker (Moped)                                    #806

-Hurricane (Speed Boat)                                   #825

-Miami                                                              #826

-Python                                                             #827

-Shark (Watercraft)                                          #828

-Skipper (Yacht)                                              #829


Saints Row 2 takes place a few years

after the original where you got blown

to the dark water. You wake up with

lots of plastic surgery in a very new

and changed Stilwater. Several new

gangs have appeared and you basically

got to get a crew together and take

back the city.  



Saints Row 2
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