Downloadable Content

The Ultor Exposed                            800

-3 New Missions

-1 Coop Diversion

-6 New Vehicles

-New Hairstyles

-Two New Online Maps

Corporate Warfare                             560

-New Campaign Missions against Ultor

-New Aircraft, Exotic Cars and Superbikes

-New Outfits

-New Multiplayer Maps
-New Co-op Mode

The Unkut Pack                                Free

-60 Brand New Items

-16 New Tattoos


Saints Row 2 takes place a few years

after the original where you got blown

to the dark water. You wake up with

lots of plastic surgery in a very new

and changed Stilwater. Several new

gangs have appeared and you basically

got to get a crew together and take

back the city.  



Saints Row 2
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