10 Xbox Game Pass January 2022 Games Suggestions

January 16, 2022 at 6:46pm
By Jason Stettner

With so many titles being available on the subscription service, it can be hard to find something to play. Here are ten Xbox Game Pass January 2022 games suggestions to check out and try on the service. These should all be available to play right away, or close to within the month.

Hopefully there’s a good variety of games presented here, and maybe you’ll find something new to check out that you might have overlooked or not have known it was on the service. This is a console focused listing though some may also be on the PC, and it’s not in a ranked order. Best to give them all a whirl if you have time or interest in them!

There should be a wide range of offerings from family oriented titles, to say mature ones and everything in between. Look forward to a monthly listing from us every single month throughout the year near the start of each month to help kick things off. This counts down from ten to one, again without a specific ranking for any of the offerings in mind.

#10: Transformers Battlegrounds

This is a turn based Transformers game that’s more for the younger audience. The whole point of this one is to allow a more casual entry into strategy play while taking the modern shows and adjusting them into a gaming medium. Roll out!

#9: Outer Wilds

Explore these lost planets trying to figure out what’s going to happen before everything explodes! It’s a puzzle experience where you have a limited time to piece together what is happening out there in space before it all falls apart.

#8: Embr

Time to put on the firefighter outfit and get out there to combat the raging fires. Do this alone or in coop online in this rather wacky and over the top experience. It’s zany, a bit weird and actually strangely tactical.

#7: Broken Age

An incredible point and click adventure game where you’ll be seeing two perspectives. From Double Fine this game is rather remarkable and a thoroughly enjoyable time to work through. It’s fun to sit back, have a laugh and enjoy the great voice acting.

Xbox Game Pass Mass Effect

#6: Mortal Kombat 11

MORTAL KOMBAT! Prepare to fight with a fresh selection of combatants alongside favorites within this most recent entry of the series. It features stunning visuals, fast paced action and some really neat DLC additions that really help spread out the experience.

#5:Mass Effect Legendary Edition

The incredible trilogy has been upgraded for modern platforms featuring a unique system where your choices carry over across the games. Become Shepard and save the universe by making key decisions that will directly impact your ship crew, and the galaxy at large. It’s great sci-fi action that’s super engaging.

#4: Hitman Trilogy

Within Hitman 3 the other two modern Hitman titles have been upgraded and are ready to go. Work within these environments to take on the threats that have arisen. Remove targets, become stealthy and try to survive. It’s quite an adventurous time with unlimited replayability as you tackle the scenarios multiple times over taking out unique foes the whole way through.

#3: Spelunky 2

Venture deep into mysterious and hardcore caves with the goal to survive within this brutal 2D platformer. There’s local and online multiplayer to enjoy that features crossplay too! It’s quite fun at times, and also rather intensive so good luck out there with your spelunking.

Xbox Game Pass Hitman

#2: Rainbow Six Extraction

Head in their team Rainbow with members from Siege coming together to tackle a new parasite that has been growing across key cities in the United States. It won’t be an easy mission where players will need to save fallen comrades in order to get extra points and level up.

#1: The Anacrusis

Launching as a Xbox Game Preview title it’s basically Left 4 Dead but on a futuristic cruise ship where aliens have taken over the crew. You’ll need to work together in order to blast the various enemies and make it to the next checkpoints. It won’t be an easy process, but it definitely should be a bit fun.

Fly through the air quite gracefully.

That’s the list for the best Xbox Game Pass games January 2022, hopefully you found some interesting options. It’s our goal to provide an interesting list of suggestions every single month throughout the year. Just keep in mind that over time some games get removed, or re-added and there’s always something new to play. It’s a continuous subscription that’s always adjusting to the current market.

Hopefully the selected options above stay on the service for a long while so that the listings are relevant for extended periods of time, but that’s not always the case of course. These lists hopefully provided a varied offering whether you want family games, casual party ones or even gripping multiplayer. Some single player setups, indie titles or even a wild expansive RPG. Always something fresh and distinct being added within this offering from Microsoft.

Basically something for every age group or type of audience out there in the gaming space. We will continue to try and provide varied, as well as fresh options each month that we do this in. We have a review for one of them below, or you can check out the general platform hub for additional coverage of the ecosystem of games too. Have fun, and of course happy gaming.

Other important information is that this is a monthly plan that can be subscribed to. It does provide some interesting little goodie bonuses to gamers and also rewards as well for checking out the titles or earning Achievements. On top of that, if you want to buy to own the games or even DLC content you get deals off all of that content.

This comes as a pass just for the console, or just for the PC and an Ultimate Xbox Game Pass offering for both which includes Gold as well as Project xCloud now known as Xbox Cloud Gaming. The first party titles are available day one on the program, and many other perks are present as well. It’s the best deal in gaming in our opinion. It also continues to dynamically change with so many neat offers.

It’s something that will grown and is often compared as being the Netflix of gaming which totally makes sense since that’s what this offers and perhaps it’s even better. It should be neat to see how this monthly subscription grows and changes over time. Hopefully the extra details were helpful, or provided additional insight into just what is provided here and how the selections were made for this month. Enjoy, and find your next favorite game through the service. Check out some other content below too for more gaming action.

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Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner