Paid Promotions & Advertising
We're now introducing a series of paid promotional options for Publishers, Developers and everyone else that has content they would like promote or advertise on Gamerheadquarters which reaches 137,000+ unique average viewers each month in primary regions across the world. Adsense noted almost 11 million page views for 2019 and 13.6 million page views for 2020 as of September.
Our giveaways include over 6000 regular users. We have a number of options available below, reach out to "jasonstettner @ gamerheadquarters.com" to inquire about any of the packages which are all in USD and fairly affordable. This will help support the work we do on the site and help it grow further.
For Youtube Sponsorship inquiries it’s best to reach out to jasonstettner @ gmail.com with detailed message about what you’d like to see setup. This can include video or livestream promotions in multiple formats to reach a massive online viewing audience.
Sponsored Youtube Livestream Content
Reach a daily livestream audience that hits between 60-100+ concurrent viewers. The integrations can include mentioned products, included occasional video reel showcases or even a secondary game running in a corner. It’s best to have occasional mentions and not a full focus in bits to maximize viewership but many livestream options are available.
If it’s desired to have a specific game livestreamed, that can be arranged as well. The livestreams are delivered in a 4k resolution at 60fps with Skycaptin5 as the host with a mandatory webcam overlay being shown. Since the livestreams are daily, it’s easy to slip in sponsored streams on short notice if that’s needed.
Sponsored Review or Sponsored Video Content
-The typical sponsored video is one focusing on a specific game to showcase it with the audience. Additional options include in-video integrations that pause another game being shown off in order to introduce your product and or experience to the audience.
Talking points or other important facts can be provided as needed, alongside any sort of tracking link. You can see an example of the sponsored video below (that sponsorship value was $3.13 USD per 1000 views).
Youtube Community Tab Promoted Post ($117) per post or ($200) for two posts.
-From online research of PEX and other metric services, it’s estimated that 1-4% of people that watch a video, like it. Using those metrics, the Youtube Community tab on Skycaptin5 is currently getting between 5000+ views per post.
You can get a promoted #ad sponsorship on there with, or without a link to promote anything that is relevant to the channel content. Have Skycaptin5 pose with something, or just get your game noticed. Note: all images shown below are natural and not advertised examples. If paid for, the post would need to include #AD as a disclaimer. Likes from left to right: 175, 105 (link example), 161, 110.
Youtube Stories Promoted Post ($50) per post or ($95) for two posts.
-Youtube Stories are a quick way to showcase a photo or video. Here you're able to get a sponsored image that can be seen by the community of subscribers and even those not subscribed. They are live for seven days and then disappear. The image will be marked with #ad and can showcase a message within an image or just an image. Skycaptin5’s Youtube stories reach 50,000 viewers a week on average in 2022.
Promoted Above Nav "1 Month" ($1750) "2 Weeks" ($875)
-This an image or animation style banner shown above the nav/header part of the site. Can be viewed on desktop or mobile on almost all pages. It can be linked to a site when clicked upon. Image example below with the grey boxes being an example area.
Promoted Wrapper "1 Month" ($1550) "2 Weeks" ($775)
-This is an image style ad shown across all of the article pages of the site, doesn't show up on mobile. Instead an advertisement banner can also be given and placed above the article titles for mobile devices, with the same features to follow. Like many sites it is a wrapper that can be of an image style taking up the left and right hand sides of the pages. It can be linked to a site when clicked upon. Image example below with the grey boxes being an example area.
Promoted Above Nav + Wrapper "1 Month" ($2650)
-Bundle the above nav and wrapper option to save.
Promoted In-Article "1 Month" ($700) "2 Weeks" ($350)
-This is an image style ad shown across all of the article pages of the site. This in-article option is shown on all devices as the primary viewing ad showcased on the pages. It is often nestled above an image or within text. It can be linked to a site when clicked upon. Image example below with the grey box being an example area.
Promoted Home Page Spotlight "2 Weeks" ($117)
-This is a center page attention grabbing spot. Can be viewed on desktop or mobile. It can be linked to a site when clicked upon. Image example below with the grey boxes being an example area.
Promoted Home Page Mini Spotlight "2 Weeks" ($75)
-This is a center page attention grabbing spot, located lower down the home. Can be viewed on desktop or mobile. It can be linked to a site when clicked upon. Image example below with the grey boxes being an example area.
Promoted Home Page Video Spotlight "2 Weeks" ($90)
-This is a center page attention grabbing spot, located on the home. Can be viewed on desktop or mobile. It can be linked to a site when clicked upon, text can be edited. Great way to promote a trailer or gameplay video. Image example below with the grey boxes being an example area.
Nav Bar Promoted Gaming Entity "2 Weeks" ($250)
-In the navigation bar under platforms. Can be viewed on desktop or mobile. It can be linked to a site when clicked upon. Image example below with the grey boxes being an example area.
Nav Bar Promoted Movie/Show/Streaming Video Entity "2 Weeks" ($170)
-In the navigation bar under the movies/streaming. Can be viewed on desktop or mobile. It can be linked to a site when clicked upon. Image example below with the grey boxes being an example area.
Game Indexing ($5)
-Have details about your game available on the site, a page dedicated to your game whether that's a video game or a board game. This includes full games, mobile titles, or anything tabletop such as board or card based. Example: Halo Infinite Page
Article Posting ($37)
-An article posting going over details about your game, movie, tech or event. Can include an embed video and link to store pages, due to being a sponsored posting externals links are Rel nofollow. The article will be listed as being "sponsored".
Game/Genre Hub "Longterm" ($35)
-We started hubs in late 2016 which is a place of collection for particular game franchises and games themselves. We have a wide selection of game hubs present on site though there are many games out there and we don't have time to build a space for them all. This is basically a promoted type option where we give a link to your Publisher/Developer/Game page and allow choice of initial video to display. We of course update the page with articles and any new video content we produce or trailers of the titles over time.
Game/Movie List "Short term" ($7)
-The lists are our premier sorting option for players to find games or movies available for their platforms or services. This pushes your particular content as an advertisement to the top of the lists, it will be shown first up for two weeks on all filter lists. The link can go to content on the site or an external link (not for backlinking and limited, it will have a Rel nofollow). The pages are listed below in the long term area.
Game/Movie List "Long term" ($5)
-The lists are our premier sorting option for players to find games available for their platforms or services. We can't include every game as the lists could get too crowded, if you're game isn't listed it's just $5 to have it added as a filter option. Current lists; Xbox Backwards Compatible, Xbox Play Anywhere, Xbox One Game Reviews, Playstation 4 Game Reviews, PC Game Reviews, Nintendo Switch Game Reviews.
More promotion options to come in the future.