Below is another one of those games that I've been waiting many years for and I finally was able to check it out against at E3 2018. The first time I was able to try the game was at my first E3 in 2015, it was one of many stations and it looked neat. This was during a Xbox party and I didn't pay too much attention to it aside from playing for a bit as I imagined it would release in the near future. That obviously didn't happen.
The game sure has changed a lot since then, but even now I'm still not sure what exactly you're doing. This is in terms of a goal, I'm not sure of my motivation in it. Like in the past you're heading below ground to deal with deadly creatures and situations. The visuals have been revamped and there's now a bit of an opening where you get a sense of what's going on. Again, no idea what the story is here though it definitely is intriguing. Things start out on a beach during a storm, from there you head out to collect a lantern.
This source of light will help guide you during the descent into darkness. From there you're moving through dark caverns with low visibility. You really need to hug the edges to find the way out and hope you don't come across any foes as they strike with deadly force. Combat is simple, you slash outwards in a particular direction. There are many enemies present and they are deadly, it seems death will be often.
I'm not sure what the point is, but I'm certain that'll be revealed for the final release. There are items to collect, creatures to eliminate and dark caverns to explore in Below. I'd write more, but I'm not sure what else there is to go over. It's promising and I look forward to seeing this finally become available after so many years.
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