DayZ Xbox One Private Servers Nitrado Review

"Basic Servers"


August 24, 2019 at 3:25am
By Jason Stettner

One of the special aspects of DayZ on consoles, is that you’re now able to have private and or custom servers with update 1.04. This is a great addition to the game in terms of the concept around it, but in practice it doesn’t really deliver. These servers are provided through Nitrado and the service is quite basic in what it provides.

With those really bare essentials, the cost is also really high. I understand that servers aren’t cheap, but you get barely anything for the cost. Regularly, at the point of writing it costs $13.99 USD or $17.99 CAD with tax being added on based on your region. This will grant you only ten player slots. As the owner, you don’t even get a saved spot and I’ve had to queue for my own server.

On top of that, you’re essentially just a regular player within your server. Everything is edited from the online Nitrado web interface and there isn’t much to adjust. You can change the name, and add a password if you want it to be closed off. There are options for how long the day and night cycle runs. You can also choose to have persistence on, force first person or deactivate crosshairs.

It would have been nice to see spawning control, item spawning options, or even some level of powers within the game. Perhaps to change the loot spawning, or adjust other elements and this just feels basic. With that, it takes forever to get access to your server. It took about ten days for mine to be activated. When you get into the game’s browser that’s also a mess. Despite favoriting mine I have to scroll twenty pages to reach it, just a mess. Going back to editing, you can change the server messages but that never saves. You can also choose to reset the server, sometimes you’ll need to visit the web interface as it might just shut itself off. That was odd, it should restart itself if it crashes by itself.

Other than that, the game runs the exact same as it does in regular play. There’s not really any benefits performance wise, it’s just a place to play alone or with others if you’ve set it up that way. I really don’t quite get the point of having one quite honestly. I manage mine for my Youtube channel, but even then its cost prohibitive for what you get out of it. The max server cap is a hundred players which is great, but that’s not a realistic price point.
DayZ Xbox One Private Servers Nitrado Review Xbox Wallpaper Screenshot

The Conclusion

The DayZ Xbox One Private Servers from Nitrado provide bare essentials at a high price point that really isn’t accessible. I’m looking at this from a stand point of value, and I’m not seeing it. There are issues with the servers, and they take forever to go active. It’s a nice option to have, but at this point it really doesn’t offer much.

Not everything works as it should, but it is somewhat nice to have your own little slice of DayZ. I’m sure some will like this as a solo experience, but overall it isn’t for me. I hope they increase what you get out of this, or at least provide some extras to make it more worthwhile. I mean, I should never be queued for my own server.

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DayZ Xbox One Private Servers Nitrado Review on Xbox One X

Rating Overall: 4.0

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner