Fallout 76 Horizon's Rest Guide

The Fallout 76 Horizon's Rest guide which will go over the various details and highlights of this special location within the wondrous landscape of the wasteland. You can find this spot to the middle center of the map, it is located to the south of Vault 76 where you start the game. You can see it highlighted on the map below, clearly visible with various markers that should assist in locating this spot. The full details on what to expect for this particular neat spot in the world can be viewed below.
Fallout 76 Horizon's Rest Guide Screenshot
Details and Highlights
This is a very interesting area, it's basically a crashed plane that's been re-purposed during the apocalypse. This is quite awkward to get to, so be prepared to climb up the side of a mountain. It isn't that bad, but can be steep so it's important to watch for ledges while walking within this area.

-The area that you would typically enter from has a wing blocking the path. On the other side of it are various items on desks, in a shelving unit a "Recipe: Mirelurk Softshell Cake" note and there's a safe (level 0 required).

-Another big thing to watch out for, there are seven to eight Super Mutants including a Leader Freedom Fighter mutant too.

-There are mini house type areas (shacks), they have minor supplies and the quest of this little area. There's a cooking station out front on the cliff's edge, there is one shack that is gated (level 1 skill required). Inside you'll find minor items and a "Horizon's Rest Armory" note for the quest type mission here. The note says there's a key to the armory below a plant pot in one of the shacks. The key is in the second house to the right from the gate one. It is to the right as you enter, pick up the pot and the key is under it. Another detail to help is that this shack has a large couch in it.

-Up a bit on the cliff there's a plane tip. Inside you'll find a chem box under the seats and the top area cockpit has a First Aid Kit on the wall.

-Going down and across the power line tower area there are various items. The kitchen to the left has the "Recipe: Dog Meat Steak" note and the table beside it has the "Recipe: Tasty Squirrel Stew" note on it. Around the corner is ammo. Some shacks are present on the way up and the top shack has a safe (level 1 required), as well as a chest with ammo.

-Down slightly below from the kitchen area is the armory gate (skill level 2 required) or you can use that key you collected prior.

That's all of the aspects that make up the Horizon's Rest, you can read more about the game below and view the hub for further coverage. If you spot anything else neat we missed, be sure to let us know.

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Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner