It's Quiz Time Review

"Ultimate Trivia"


This is definitely a different sort of take on the trivia game packed with over 25,000 questions (with more possibly to come) and one sassy AI host. It's presented in a simple way where you can play by yourself with a controller or using the mobile app for multiple players. There are many options for streaming the game to others and it's very easy to get into. I personally would have preferred just a browser login like Jackbox as app downloading can be a barrier, but the app does work fine for the game.

With that you choose from various options, input some information and the game presents questions based on that. It does a nice job of getting an array of topics based on the age groups at play and then you battle over many trivia games. It was hit or miss here, yet generally a fine way to present the questions while always coming up with new ways to challenge players. The quantity of questions is impressive and the topics range from random to general and it works well for always being unique.


This is certainly something new when it comes to virtual hosting as the AI is unique. She can be rude, definitely has some sass and that actually worked with my family while playing since we found her funny. It works for the type of game and it was basically spot on for most phrases she compiled.

The games for working through the trivia featured great variation and presentation. Everything with It's Quiz time was slick, modern and very on topic. There are a number of settings for personalizing the game and great support for larger numbers of players. It's easy to join in and the app works well in connection to the game.
It's Quiz Time Xbox Wallpaper Screenshot

The Conclusion

It's Quiz Time is the ultimate trivia title of the current time and nothing comes close to it. There's great potential here for future growth and additional questions over time. With the quantity already present I'd imagine it would be hard to face repeat questions and with so many topics there should be challenging things for all players.

The various games can be hit or miss, but there are many of them so not a big deal. I liked the presentation and the host was a neat thing to have, helps make the game stand out. She may not be for everyone, but worked fine while I was playing being an entertaining host. It's Quiz Time is perfect for trivia and those that enjoy it featuring an expansive library of questions to battle over.

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It's Quiz Time Review on Xbox One X
Review Code Provided by Redner

Rating Overall: 8.0

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner