Rage 2 Authority Headquarters Entrance Guide

May 16, 2019 at 3:01am
By Jason Stettner

Like others, I was wondering how exactly you get into the Authority Headquarters in Rage 2. Initially I attempted blasting away at the four sentries that sit there, but you don’t need to waste any ammo at this spot.

There’s a simple way to get through this area and it takes seconds. What you need to do is spawn the special “Xerxes III” vehicle that you should have received while completing the main quests. It’s basically a tank type option and it’s something that will allow you to sneak behind enemy lines undetected.
Rage 2 Missions and Quests
This vehicle will cost you $500 dollars of in-game cash to spawn in on the spot. You can do this by opening the vehicle menu from the options area. It will spawn right beside your location and you’ll enter it from the left hand side of the vehicle.

Once you’re in the vehicle, drive up to the middle scanner area right before the blockade. Wait a few seconds and the machines will allow you entrance as the General. It’s very easy to do, and not at all difficult. Do not shoot as it will give your location away. I hope this was a helpful method for completing this particular portion of the game. You’re also right near the end, so get ready for some intense tank based explosive action within the game. You can check out additional details below, including the general Rage hub.

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Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner