Top 10 Halo 4 Maps

While not everyone loved the Halo 4 multiplayer I certainly had many great moments with the game. When it came to the online multiplayer I was quite surprised at how great the maps were and even further how beautiful the environments looked. With that, it's time to look at the top 10 Halo 4 maps.

#10: Perdition

This was one of the later maps added for Big Team Battle which featured a larger scale map focused around driving lanes. It had some central areas of conflict in buildings, though much of the combat happened outside on the road paths with Warthogs always whipping around.

Halo 4 Perdition Map

#9: Outcast

Another one of the later maps, Outcast was neat in structure featuring many cave like areas followed by a couple more open spaces. There were plenty of vehicles present, yet the players could always be safe moving through the various tunnels.

Halo 4 Outcast Map

#8: Harvest

This was definitely aimed towards vehicle movement as the map has narrow central spaces for players to move and very open side pockets for vehicles to drive around in. It's a great map for Capture the Flag and overlooks a beautiful scene on this later destroyed planet.

Halo 4 Harvest Map

#7: Shatter

The map looks beautiful with a distinct coloration for both sides of the map and massive crystals poking from the ground. It's also a great battlefield for vehicles with the various open spaces.

Halo 4 Shatter Map

#6: Forge Island

343 got closer to what fans wanted out of Forge by creating these somewhat flat islands for players to build on with a vast scale and open space. It was still uneven, but this was the closest they have ever gotten to what Forge players actually want.

Halo 4 Forge Island Map

#5: Complex

Being one of the original maps this was a favorite for most featuring a largely equal battle ground for both teams with some great changes in verticality throughout the map.

Halo 4 Complex Map

#4: Landfall

Landfall was oddly shaped in the best of ways with one area being closed off to the city and the other being an open dock to see the destruction in the distance. Gameplay was entirely different here as it varied between the indoor section of the open of the outside.

Halo 4 Landfall Map

#3: Monolith

Monolith looks absolutely stuning and plays great with perfect symmetry centered around the core bases that surround the center structure. Action was always intense and quick with players constantly meeting each other.

Halo 4 Monolith Map

#2: Exile

The most popular Big Team Battle from the launch was clearly Exile which seemed to be the best option for many of the Big Team Battle modes balancing vehicles and players well. There were great structures and well cut out areas for conflict, definitely memorable.

Halo 4 Exile Map

#1: Daybreak

This map is perfect for objective games with Capture the Flag usually being the mode of choice. The map has a distinct familiar Halo feeling to it while being completely even in gameplay. It was a treat to play on and certainly well balanced.

Halo 4 Daybreak Map

Did I get something completely wrong or mess up the order? Let me know in the comments and feel free to check out the Top 10 Halo 3 Multiplayer maps

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner