Top 10 Halo Combat Evolved Maps

After the release of the Master Chief Collection I've gotten many hours of extra gameplay in on all of the most iconic Halo maps. To prepare for the release of the latest title I'll be doing a top 10 Halo maps for every game since each of these has just an amazing set of maps to them. I saw it only fit to start with the Top 10 Halo: Combat Evolved multiplayer maps which brought in completely unique battlefields and the first person shooter to consoles.

#10: Chill Out

A really small yet incredibly charming map featuring various conflicts within confined spaces despite having multiple levels of combat. This map was quite something and always creates heaps of spartans. The colors and simplistic design make this map memorable compared to many others and the Halo 3 remake really recaptured their original intention perfectly.

Halo: Combat Evolved Chill Out Map

#9: Sidewinder

This map is basically just a massive and barren ice wasteland. It's also got some the best vehicle combat available and some crazy set ups for objective playlists. With larger groups of players this map can be just fantastic and it's even better adjusted with the Halo 3 remake of it which evens things out a bit more than this one.

Halo: Combat Evolved Sidewinder Map

#8: Derelict

Despite playing many of the maps back in the day I just re-discovered this one within the Master Chief Collection and am really fond it's simplistic layout. It's a great map for constant combat where despite being symmetrical there's death coming from every angle.

It also makes great use of teleporters to throw people onto the second level of the map, really surprised this never received a remake in later titles because I'd say it's great for quick combat.

Halo: Combat Evolved Derelict Map

#7: Timberland

Could not make a list and not include this amazing big team battle map. Timberland is a forest of death featuring two opposing bases that overlook a massive valley region. Sniper fire away from the towers and the forests while warthogs whip around.

This map is perfect for big objective gametypes and even was remade for Halo Reach with them not even altering much on the map since it was well done the first time.

Halo: Combat Evolved Timberland Map

#6: Hang 'em High

This is honestly one of the most strangest map design for any multiplayer map on any game I've played. Yet, it completely works for this vastly open map that requires you to run towards danger for the best weapons. There's multiple layers of verticality to this one and it's just got some random blocks that provide the minimalist amount of cover while on the ground.

Halo: Combat Evolved Hang 'em High Map

#5: Damnation

Another strange map which also features a vertical component to it though it's more centered across the middle lanes. Combat takes place from all angles as the levels basically cascade downwards towards the water areas.

It's small, yet they use the space effectively to split players up and create conflict in the few narrow areas present on this one. Things get crazy and shots can be fired from anywhere, whether that be high above or at the far bottom.

Halo: Combat Evolved Damnation Map

#4: Wizard

While it's not magical this map has been featured across many of the Halo titles as it's the perfect small map for crazy quick carnage. The map is perfectly symmetrical with four small quadrants and invisibility in the higher middle if you can reach it. Things are perfect for slayer or even smaller objective matches which get ever tense since the map has so many open sight lines.

Halo: Combat Evolved Wizard Map

#3: Prisoner

I'm not quite sure why I like this map so much, but the varying heights and close combat make this map fantastic. There's three distinct layers to this one and ramps that take you where ever you need to go. Spawning is also crazy as spartans can be killed and just hop right down and begin shooting once again. It's so neat and weird looking though it functions well for any slayer matches.

Halo: Combat Evolved Prisoner Map

#2: Battle Creek

I shouldn't even need to discuss why this map has made it up to the number two spot. Battle Creek is the perfect symmetrical base system within a crowded space. For objectives it doesn't get more tense than this setup as combat is straight forward.

There's also some fun teleporters which mix things up completely if you're up for that. Better watch out for rockets as well since someone could just jump off the middle rock and blast you away.

Halo: Combat Evolved Battle Creek Map

#1: Blood Gulch

I think it must have been fairly easy for everyone to guess which map was going to be at the top of this list. Despite most of the other maps repeating across the various games Blood Gulch is easily the most well known.

Two bases sit across from one another in this open desert valley of death. It's appeared in almost every title one way or another and was even better known through the series Red vs Blue. We'll never know why we're here, but we know that combat never changes in this lonely valley.

Halo: Combat Evolved Blood Gulch Map

Did I get something completely wrong or mess up the order? Let me know in the comments and feel free to check out the Top 10 Halo 2 Multiplayer maps next!

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner