Ralph Breaks the Internet 4k Blu-Ray Review

February 26, 2019 at 5:05pm
By Jason Stettner

I definitely didn't find the narrative of Ralph Breaks the Internet to be stronger than Wreck it Ralph, but it was still a generally solid tale. This adventure follows the core duo of Ralph (John C. Reilly) and Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) as they head into the world of the internet after the latter's game ends up broken. It's here that they grow apart and that distance becomes justified over the course of the film.

It's a story about letting go of others and growing in your own way. That's mostly the side thing however as they engage in a viral sensation mission to get money to fix Vanellope's arcade machine. It's a strange look at the internet that plays on tropes, while perhaps not really understanding it. While it's a mix of widespread Easter Eggs, some of those movements were the strongest parts. I particularly enjoyed the inclusion of the Disney Princesses as they were hilarious here. It might seem like an odd inclusion, but it works.
Ralph Breaks the Internet 4k Blu-Ray Wallpaper VR

Ralph Breaks the Internet 4k Special Features

The Ralph Breaks the Internet 4k Blu-Ray comes with a number of special features. These are available to view on the traditional Blu-Ray disc as opposed to the 4k one. They include the following selections that can be viewed as a bundle or individually. "Deleted Scenes"; "How We Broke the Internet", "Easter Eggs" and some other minor additions. It was generally an alright selection of extras.

The deleted scenes feature a fair bit of additional content, very interesting to look through. The story could have changed a fair bit with those. The behind the scenes was fairly interesting, I did find the Easter Eggs extra to be rather short and disappointing. Instead of a discussion behind these hidden secrets it was more like; wow, look at this thing, did ya notice it in the film? This was only a couple minutes long too. I'll mention that generally the animation quality was incredible in this movie, it looked great. This aspect made a solid transition into the home 4k format.

The Conclusion

The Ralph Breaks the Internet 4k Blu-Ray package brings an alright selection of extra special features, mostly in the form of deleted scenes. I wasn't a huge fan of this entry, it was a step down from the original though still a solid movie. I always find it awkward when there's an attempt to compress the internet into a movie format, never amazes.

It does turn into a wild series of Easter Eggs, but those generally don't detract from what's going. I'd say the visit to the Disney area was possibly the best portion of this. I'm hit or miss on some of the messages presented here, but still generally a fine viewing. The extras could have had more to them, the deleted scenes really led the way in that aspect.

Ralph Breaks the Internet 4k Blu-Ray Review
Provided by Disney

Rating Overall: 7.1

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner