Freaky Blu-Ray Review

February 9, 2021 at 6:05pm
By Jason Stettner

Freak is a fun mix-up to the whole body swapping type of film, throwing that into the comedic horror category. It does this quite well for a rather enjoyable and mostly fun time the whole way through. You’ve got The Butcher (Vince Vaughn) who is a brutal serial killer that delivers some truly delightful and gory kills. Then there’s Millie (Kathryn Newton) who’s another one of those gorgeous girls that they attempt to dress down and make shy.

Anyways, the two end up swapping places during an attempted killing and the rest of the narrative plays off the battling sides making their way around in each other’s bodies. The butcher is sending out much more confident vibes as Millie, and of course taking on the local youth population.

Then there’s the Butcher being terrified as Millie and trying to get her body back. It’s all quite fun, and both sides played their roles quite well. I definitely enjoyed seeing the dynamics of either perspective, with there being creative kills and some more emotional type segments that worked well in this one.
Freaky Blu-Ray Wallpaper

Freaky Special Features

The Freaky Blu-Ray comes with a number of special features. These are available to view on the traditional Blu-Ray disc as one package. They include the following selections that can be viewed as a bundle or individually. You get a few Deleted Scenes. Then there’s “Split Personalities: Milie vs the Butcher”, “Christopher Landon’s Brand of Horror” and one that goes over the gore. That’s then topped off with a director commentary that can be played over the film.

I was honestly a tad disappointed by the extras here. They were brief aside from the commentary, and seemed more like clips you might see promoting the film on Youtube. I was hoping for something more in-depth as this seems like the type of film that would have some quirky little bits to learn about from behind the scenes. It all came across as rather minimal, which is a shame as Universal usually delivers excellent extras.

The Conclusion

The Freaky Blu-Ray package is generally fine, the extra content was a bit of a letdown but the movie itself is still highly entertaining and a good time. I wouldn’t say the deleted scenes are anything special, and the extras are all really brief. The commentary was neat though.

That aside, it’s a fun horror film that aims to do something fresh and they deliver. It has well setup gory kills, creative uses of the characters in many situations and a nice bit of heart to it as well. I found it rather entertaining to watch again, and had fun viewing it. It’s a surprising story as well with good twists if you haven’t seen it prior, definitely hits its genres well while also doing new things within them.

Freaky Blu-Ray Review
Provided by Taro PR

Rating Overall: 7.2

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner