Jojo Rabbit Blu-Ray Review

February 27, 2020 at 8:55pm
By Jason Stettner

This is a very bleak, borderline depressing and yet somehow still completely hilarious look at Nazi Germany. It’s definitely an intriguing time piece that takes place during the end of the war. The journey is shown through the perspective of Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis), a young boy that’s entirely behind the cause and having a hard life.

He has an imaginary friend, that is Adolf Hitler (Taika Waititi). The two go on wacky ventures, with very dark moments being showcased throughout. He’s joined by his mother Rosie (Scarlett Johansson) and an excellent supporting cast. While the premise might seem odd, it works very well and digs into some really deep emotional elements.

There’s a very important individual that the boy interacts with, and that in turn makes him challenge certain aspects of life that he’s been conditioned by. It is quite funny, with many good jokes along the way and despite the dark material they make it work here. It will definitely be surprising, and just incredibly sorrowing at times. It works well on multiple levels, and you can see some deeper layers as the narrative progresses.
Jojo Rabbit Blu-Ray Wallpaper

Jojo Rabbit Special Features

The Jojo Rabbit Blu-Ray comes with a number of special features. These are available to view on the traditional Blu-Ray disc as one package. They include the following selections that can be viewed as a bundle or individually. "Inside Jojo Rabbit”, “Deleted Scenes”, “Gag Reel” and more behind the scenes including various interviews with the cast.

On top of that, you get a glorious audio commentary from Taika Waititi that is definitely a must watch/listen to. That adds a lot to the experience, and it’s very enjoyable. You should however watch the movie first without it, as it does cover events that are spoilerish.

The Conclusion

The Jojo Rabbit Blu-Ray package is filled with extra content, including a glorious audio commentary from Taika Waititi and generally a masterfully crafted comedy. This one really does deliver, and tells an emotionally charged story. It takes a very bad time in history, and provides laughs to go with it.

It might sound odd, but they’re very critical and make fun of those that really caused these events. It’s faithful in that it makes you hurt when it needs to, and uplifting in many other areas. This is definitely a shocker, and one that just adds more if you dive into the extra content. I liked the twist they comedy wise in the movie, and outside of it within the various interviews that were present.

Jojo Rabbit Blu-Ray Review
Provided by Disney

Rating Overall: 8.8

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner