Happy Socks x Minecraft Review

October 5, 2019 at 4:06am

To help celebrate Minecon 2019, a livestream event where I actually had a video clip of mine used in, I was sent a special swag box. Within this package was a fancy box that contained pairs of foot clothing.

This is of course the Happy Socks x Minecraft gift package, and it’s quite awesome. This was sent as a nice package, and I thought I might as well review these glorious socks as I rarely get to cover clothing. It’s always good to write about something a little different.
Happy Socks Minecraft
These are rather lovely pieces of clothing to have on one’s foot. I’m actually wearing one pair while writing this. They’re incredibly comfy, large scale and they are authentic to the game. They do so in a more mature style as they represent some parts of play.

You get one option that is styled after TNT, another is done in the form of a crafting table and finally some that are like dirt. They all have the unique designs that the game provides, but in sock form! It’s quite something to see, and others were also impressed by the look. “Yep, that’s a crafting table alright” I was told. These are very comfortable socks, smooth and supportive as well for my feet.

I quite enjoy the aesthetics and comfort of the options presented. A nice boost to my collection of regular white ones, really mix things up for sure and add some colorful variety. As you could probably tell, I’m very pleased with these and they’re nice for the fan of the game in your life. I definitely do feel happier with them on, which is a strange and an honest feeling.

The Conclusion

The Happy Socks x Minecraft package is a splendid collection of authentic and unique socks that feel as though they’re right from the game. It’s a nice package and an enjoyable one that brings some quality items of clothing for my feet. They feel great, comfy and warm enough when it’s more chilled which is appreciated.

They also don’t seem too warm, that’s important as well. They’re colorful, unique and capture the game perfectly. It may seem like a collection of mundane sock designs, but they’re great for fans of the game and I’m certainly enjoying them. A worthy option for the fans of the game out there, especially if you need some different socks.

Happy Socks x Minecraft Review product provided by Microsoft

Rating Overall: 8.5

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner