Cosplay FAQ

This is the Cosplay FAQ where will find answers to hopefully any questions you have about our content.

When it comes to any direct and quick questions feel free to send us an email "jasonstettner @"

Event Cosplay: All photos from any events we cover were all taken with permission, and if asked we would provide a link to the cosplayer's social media below said photo. The photos are owned by the individual photographers that did capture the shots for the site.

Spotlight Cosplay: We're using online sources to spotlight what we think are some great cosplay options. If you would like your spotlight taken down, just let us know via the email bolded above and we'll get on that. Mostly looking to showcase some great work by the cosplay community. We're also happy to provide additional links and hope that all credit is given to the best of our ability when it comes to those in the photos and the photographers of said pictures. We're also happy to take in higher resolution shots to replace what we found, and to provide additional credits as well as information if needed.

Getting a Spotlight Feature: Send us an email with the subject line "Cosplay Spotlight Submission", provide some information that would be helpful about the project, links and photos desired for the spotlight. We'll screen it, and if we'd like to spotlight it you'll get an email back with a live link. Keep in mind this may take time based on posting schedules. Also note that we're limited in how many images can be used per post. We are also open to multiple characters, but try to keep the spotlight focused on a particular character.

Calgary Expo 2017 Highlights