Minecraft Craftmons Ancient Jungle Edition Review

The Minecraft Craftmons Ancient Jungle Edition is a Store Community World that offers a completely fresh adventure within the game. Created by Pathway Studios this pack provides an expansive area with a unique catching mechanic. It basically provides a style of Minecraft Pokemon where you’re given eggs and you need to get out there to catch fifty two distinct mobs. You’ll also level as you catch more which in turn allows you to catch higher tier creatures.

I did find that the catching tiers requirements got a bit high as you went on, but it’s impressive how much potential gameplay is actually here. That being said, I didn’t like the intense splash damage from the eggs. Aside from the exciting core mechanics of heading out there to catch the creatures, there are other things to do. You can visit various stores to sell eggs, and to gather better supplies.

The main hub city is filled with shops and they’ve provided a large scale area to explore. The space has all been customized around this city, and it looks mystical to a degree with destroyed structures. On top of that; there are rare chests for unique combative situations, or just good loot. Finally, a few skins are included that are alright to use. The skins do match the world. Minecraft Craftmons Ancient Jungle Edition Review

The Conclusion

This Craftmons Ancient Jungle Edition from Pathway Studios is a really great map, it presents a large and well developed area to catch them all. The mechanic for capturing the mobs was well done, and something entirely new to Minecraft. I was surprised by how simplistic, and fun it was to do. There are countless potential hours here if you like the core formula of play.

The world is really impressive in terms of scale, and the customization efforts to terraform the natural landscape. There’s a lot to do here, stores to use and many upgrades to purchase. You can make your capturing easy, among other tweaks once you earn some currency. There are levels to reach, creatures to collect and a scoring system to make sure you know how well you’re doing.

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Review Done on Minecraft Windows 10
Review Coins Provided by Microsoft

Rating Overall: 8.8

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner