Minecraft Extreme Sky Block Review

The Minecraft Extreme Sky Block is a Store Community World that offers a completely fresh adventure within the game. Created by Mineplex this pack provides a fairly empty, and straight forward map to play on. This is a classic game type of attrition and challenge. The map presents this in a straight forward fashion, and really doesn’t do much with it.

You’re on a floating island, with other tiny bits of things off in the distance. These special bits of say a chest, will help you on your path. This one aims to teach you what you’re doing as well, if gives a list of goals and an info book on how to get started. There really isn’t much to this, and I’m not sure why you’d need to purchase it.

You could set this up easily, but this does provide the essentials. I was hoping for something more creative, as this does the minimum of what you’d need for this type of situation. I find it lazy, but know this is one of the more traditional experiments within the game, to test how well you can survive. Minecraft Extreme Sky Block Edition Review

The Conclusion

This Extreme Sky Block from Mineplex is a really simplistic map, it presents a basic sky block experience that I’m sure many are familiar with. I’ll be honest with noting that you can likely find a free map that does this online to download. You don’t need to get this, but if you’re too lazy and want the template than this does just enough to justify it in that regard.

It has the essential elements, but doesn’t go very far to make this too special. It does what’s required of this map type, but doesn’t go past it and I can’t personally suggest it considering the free alternatives that I know are out there.

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Review Done on Minecraft Windows 10
Review Coins Provided by Microsoft

Rating Overall: 5.0

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner