Minecraft Harvest Town Review

The Minecraft Harvest Town is a Store Community World that offers a completely fresh adventure within the game. Created by Magefall this pack provides a selection of mini games to enjoy. There are fourteen fall themed mini games and activities to work through. These provide options for individual players, or for groups. There are also custom food items to trade for at certain store areas. This isn’t exactly anything new theme wise, but it’s well designed and immersive.

The area is walled off with a large scale fence, and the sections are divided with a subtle river flowing through it. The level nails the fall aesthetic with large scale pumpkins, and a well selected color palette. It also features some awesome roller coasters to ride, I was seriously impressed by the longer one. Minecraft Harvest Town Review

The Conclusion

This Harvest Town from Magfall is a solid map, it presents a fine offering of mini games in an authentic fall environment. The level uses the right colors to create a great sense of atmosphere and there’s a grand sense of scale. You feel like you’re in a small world with the backdrop that’s layered around the specific area. I was very impressed by the depth and density of the world.

There are some decent activities to take part in, they match the theme though there’s nothing too particularly complex. The extra layer of purchasing items was an appreciated extra for additional value. I would have liked some more advanced mini games, but there’s an alright number of them for many activities to take part in. The roller coasters were a blast, very well crafted.

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Review Done on Minecraft Windows 10
Review Coins Provided by Microsoft

Rating Overall: 7.4

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner