Minecraft How to Tame Striders and Breed Them

The lava walking Striders are the latest mob creature to join the wonderful block world of Minecraft. These larger animals can be found walking throughout the Nether type of areas within the game. With that, they are most found in or around the lava seas

The key to taming them is the use of just giving them warped fungus. This is probably something many will wonder about as mating animals in the game is often desired as you can get an off-spring and have more of them roaming around. This is a rather easy process, very simple with these creatures.

Basically, just keep feeding them the warped fungus until hearts appear over their head and push them together if they’re not just meeting each other automatically. It takes two for baby Stiders, and they have a five minute real world cool down before more breeding is possible between those involved. The video included below showcases this process. Minecraft How to Tame Striders and Breed Them
That's right, it may not just be about getting the heart emotion going. You may actually have to manually get them closer together. It's also important to remove the warped fungus from your hand after doing so as they'll be drawn to you instead of their mate which makes them harder to tame. When bred, the offspring will be small and can grow up faster with additional fungi. Each fungus you add reduces the growth time by ten percent with their total maturity being an in-game day, or well twenty real minutes.

Just so you are aware, this won’t have the same effect of taming as it would for other creatures. You just get more of them without any sort of tamed benefit being present. For some interesting information the babies will actually ride and follow the adults. They can also be led by using Warped Fungus on a Stick like you would when trying to control a pig in the game.

They are very helpful in the Nether since you can roam right over the lava using them. They have seven and a half hearts of health and can of course be saddled. You can also use a lead on them if you so choose to do so. I hope this guide on how to Tame Striders and breed them in Minecraft was helpful. Check out our hub for further guides and coverage of the block based game.

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Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner