Minecraft Jungle Animals Review

The Minecraft Jungle Animals is a Store Community World that offers a completely fresh adventure within the game. Created by Vaeron this pack provides a fairly large Aztec inspired city with various temple structures. You also get four distinct jungle animals added within this world area. If that’s not enough, there are eight skins that you can use. Moving past the features, the world itself is focused on a jungle situation with a creatively designed core section. As mentioned, you’ll see a few temples that actually look really cool.

They even have sculpted interiors, but don’t expect anything too deep there. It all works fine presenting a large crafted valley to explore. I would have wished for some more animals, but they did certainly have some neat ones here. To tease a couple, there was a slippery snake and one friendly looking set of orangutans. It’s interesting and something different to use as a survival stand point. You basically get these large temple structures that feature a series of distinct huts in the center of it, in the valley below. Minecraft Jungle Animals Review

The Conclusion

This Jungle Animals from Vaeron is an alright map, it presents some really unique architecture and some well designed animals. I wish they would have gone further with elements of this map, but it’s still really impressive. The temples are really great looking, they did some amazing work on them.

The huts are also cool as well, they have a cool living world to explore. I was just expecting something more considering the name of “Jungle Animals”. The creatures that are present, are really well designed however. I thought the snake was particularly great, they should add that to the core game quite honestly.

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Review Done on Minecraft Windows 10
Review Coins Provided by Microsoft

Rating Overall: 6.6

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner