Minecraft Millionaire Mansions Review

The Minecraft Millionaire Mansions is a Store Community World that offers a completely fresh adventure within the game. Created by Noxcrew this pack provides a really distinct creative sandbox from which players can build whatever they'd like. This is a different type of map than what I'm used to, but I definitely see the appeal for the creative players out there. Things start out in a small room area where you're given a build assistance that can go over what the map has to offer.

It's a completely custom experience where you can build or furnish the luxury house of yours dreams. It's more for those fantasy type players that enjoy roleplays or perhaps those that like to just build and get ideas for building. There's a massive selection of custom items to use and even a plethora of vehicles that can be driven around. There are many mansions already available with some being filled, others empty and even plots of land to build from scratch if you'd like.
Minecraft Millionaire Mansions Review

The Conclusion

This Millionaire Mansions from Noxcrew is a great map, it presents a well developed option for more creative players. It fills a lot of separate niche areas that I'm sure there's an audience for. The area is well developed featuring some beautiful hills, fun secrets and gorgeous large scale mansions. It's a place of absolute luxury and you can see the dedication within the designs for the area truly providing a rich lifestyle in this blocky world for those that want it. The build assistant was a nice touch and it's great how they easily display the full range of items you can use for building. It also includes ten custom skins.

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Review Done on Minecraft Windows 10
Review Coins Provided by Microsoft

Rating Overall: 8.6

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner