Minecraft Miniature Dimensions Review

The Minecraft Miniature Dimensions is a Store Community World that offers a completely fresh adventure within the game. Created by Pathway Studios this pack provides a very simplistic, yet focused design. What you’re getting here is a floating series of islands, it’s basically that one sky based challenge that has been popular within the game for years. It starts out on a small chunk area that has a house, a tree, animals and some water. Below it is the cobble type you’d expect with certain minerals littered throughout.

You’ll have to be smart to use this and then make your way outward. It’s a limited situation in terms of resources, so you can’t waste it. As you move on you’ll be able to enter the Nether through a semi pre-built portal. There’s also an End Portal present that’s almost complete. Both take you into a similar chunk styled area that’s essentially a mini format of the larger experience that you’re probably used to. Minecraft Miniature Dimensions Review

The Conclusion

This Miniature Dimensions from Pathway Studios is an alright map, it presents a solid setup if this is a type of challenge you’d be interested in. It’s a to the point setup and makes sense for particular types of players. It’ll present a decent challenge if you’re wanting to see how well you can do with limited resources.

I was honestly looking forward to something that maybe had more dynamic spawns. Such as you get to select a series of biomes to play within, this is just set. There are options for trading for materials in this, that’s a neat touch. It also takes away a bit from the challenge, but it’s up to you in regards to how difficult you want to make things.

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Review Done on Minecraft Windows 10
Review Coins Provided by Microsoft

Rating Overall: 6.5

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner