It looks as though the team is not down and out, as the current Marvel Cinematic Universe wraps up with Avengers: Endgame. This is the last film from the main team that continues directly after the events of Infinity War. After everything went to dust, it'll take a pile of these sorrowed folks to make it right. This particular short teaser trailer was about the team preparing and getting ready to fight back.
The general Avengers: Endgame Trailer Superbowl Analyzed below including a series of stills from the short, yet precise trailer for the film. This should be an interesting reveal with some neat secrets hidden throughout. The photos are found below with details on each of them and the characters present. There could be spoilers or this trailer could contain content not in the final film like the last one did. You can view our MCU hub below for further coverage and check out the review of Avengers: Infinity War at the bottom.
This shot beautifully mirrors the first Iron Man film, Tony Stark is shown working with Nebula on something. It might be a new suit (Mark 85?), could be a way for them to get back. It really could be any sort of creation.
The best shot of regular old Hawkeye yet, in his Ronin gear as well. He's not happy, things have changed and we're assuming that he has lost someone close to him.
Nothing too special, shows Antman and War Machine suiting up together. This is the first time they've been together as a team, last time in Civil War they were facing off. Note that these are their standard outfits, nothing enhanced here.
This is the full roster of the team back on Earth, they seem determined. From the start we have Captain America; Thor, Black Widow, Rocket, Antman and War Machine. It you squint, you can see another person behind War Machine that isn't suited, possibly Bruce Banner.
Read our Avengers: Infinite War Review
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