Deadpool & Wolverine Review

September 11, 2024 at 9:13pm
By Jason Stettner

The greatest culmination of Marvel fan servicing has arisen with Deadpool and Wolverine. A combination of not only the legacy of Fox’s Marvel universe with the Disney Marvel Cinematic Universe but also one that peaks the intrigue of placing references together for nostalgia. A never ending fan pleasing joy ride filled with sequence after sequence made to have those with nostalgia squeal for joy.

It’s a fun movie sure, if you’ve watched these movies over the last couple decades you’ll certainly enjoy it. If you go to the theater for something of substance that’s left far behind here. Still, there is something magical about Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) returning once more after Logan to pair up his new pal (whether he likes it or not) Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds). If the styling of Deadpool hasn’t worn thin yet on you then the jokes will certainly feel on brand.

There’s an attempt at adding some more heart here behind the scenes but things certainly are in an odd place from where we last left both of these characters I suppose. Anyways, the narrative is just these two bouncing from joke scene to joke scene with plenty of references and character pop-ins along the way. It’s truly special to see some of these character return or pop up for the first time but also just pure fan service which has gotten exhausting in movies these days.
Deadpool & Wolverine Wallpaper Creature
Ryan Reynolds is once again just playing himself out there and from an acting perspective it was really Hugh Jackman adding levity through Wolverine that produced some compelling aspect to this film. I do wish there was a bit more of a focus on Wolverine’s mistakes but we do need to fit in more jokes and action of course.

With regards to returning cameos most didn’t seem to miss a beat in coming back and those will be fun for the audience. The CGI was a tad rough throughout but I’m sure the musical segments and gruesome combat will make up for it. Bye Bye Bye.

The combat wasn’t quite as fine tuned as in previous Deadpool movies but it worked effectively enough. Cassandra Nova (Emma Corrin) made for a compelling villain, but the character really wasn’t truly dove into. Shame, the unsettling mind melding elements were really neat and light. The plot didn’t really lend itself to depth however being your typical super hero film, but filled to the brim with nostalgia.

The Conclusion

Deadpool & Wolverine is a fun movie, but there’s no substance here and it’s nothing but a never ending fan pleasing series of sequences. If you’re tired of Deadpool style humor there’s a lot of it here. Not enough focus on the emotional bits. It was a pleasure to see Wolverine return, particularly with odd out there sequences in terms of the what if cameos.

Speaking of cameos, lots but not all that everyone expects but it did feel never ending. Actually, it was basically like an Adam Sandler film where Ryan Reynolds got paid a ton by Disney to just have his friends come together to shoot a movie.

Impressive, but alas I wasn’t that impressed. Fun movie, not much past that though for me. Getting tired of remember this? moments from movies and particularly Marvel at this point. Small spoiler, seeing a certain person that likes to deal with people skating up hill was very fun.

Deadpool & Wolverine Poster
Deadpool & Wolverine Review at Theather with AVX Viewing

Rating Overall: 5.2

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner