Disney has once again produced a magical film. From the animation to the music to the story, Encanto was expertly crafted and a marvelous addition to the Disney Animated franchise. Encanto tells the story of the Madrigals, a Colombia family who live in a magical house within a hidden village in the mountains.
Each family member has been blessed with special magical gifts, except one. Mirabel is the only member of the family without a special gift, but that doesn’t stop her from trying to make her family proud. When the magic of the house and family are in danger, Mirabel nobly takes up the task to save the magic.
Mirabel, the protagonist of the film, is a strong, brave, and determined young woman. She wants nothing more than to help her family and her village. Mirabel is a very well-developed character and I believe her to be wonderful role model for children. Stephanie Beatriz does an excellent job as the voice of Mirabel, conveying a variety of genuine emotions based on what the scene calls for. Encanto does an exceptional job of balancing heartfelt moments with comedy and humor that is enjoyable for both children and adults.
The animation for this film was truly stunning. The way characters moved and the details to objects and how they interact with their environment was extremely well done. The setting was absolutely gorgeous, and the use of vivid colours gave the world an enchanting atmosphere. I also appreciate how intricate the characters’ clothes were and how they complemented the characters’ personality. The nuances within the film were truly remarkable.
In addition to the superb animation, the music was magnificent. The songs and score were beautifully written, and I absolutely blown away by the harmonies. The Encanto soundtrack is definitely one I will be downloading when it becomes available. I think this film also has great potential to be translated to a Broadway musical.
Lastly, I want to share my appreciation around the cultural setting of this film. Disney is working towards diversifying their entertainment so more children can feel represented. Having a Latino family enforces the ideas around the importance of family values as this is valuable to the culture. As well, having a Latina protagonist creates a new figure that children can look up to.
The incorporation of musical style and some Spanish language was woven in a way that celebrates Latino culture. Encanto incorporates culture in a way that represents a minority group in a tasteful way. The cultural aspect is not overly emphasized to the point where it feels like it’s in your face, but was done in a way that it enhances the quality of film.
Encanto is a lovely family film that has the complete Disney package, beautiful animation, fantastic music, and an engaging story. Encanto captures many compelling themes including family, perception, and identity. With heartwarming themes and morals, Encanto leaves the audience feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
Encanto Review at Theater with Standard Viewing
Screening Provided by Disney