The Suicide Squad Review

August 5, 2021 at 8:35pm
By Jason Stettner

The first Suicide Squad film was rough, it was terrible. Years later we’re getting a sort of fresh start for this batch of villains coming together to do the right thing and it’s absolutely incredible. I’ll go as far saying it’s probably the best DC film they’ve ever done, or at least of the latest universe. Bold as a statement perhaps, but the balance of heart to the characters and comedy just matches together for one near perfect time.

It’s gory, violent and never holds back. At the same time every single character matters, you care about them through the events portrayed. It got me interested in the troubles of Polka-Dot Man, while being funny about it. There’s even Weasel, a hilarious character in terms of presentation and the events that unfold.

Anyways, odd characters to focus on but that’s the point. In general these are the smaller villains you’d never see in other movies and they’re all cannon fodder. None of them really matter, as basically no one is safe across the narrative. Seriously, try not to get attached despite you most likely feeling that.

Onto the story, the just of it is a secret lab that the US government needs to take care of after a coup. The characters are sent in, and people die. That’s the first part that’s wonderful about this film. It pulls you into one direction, and then thrusts you into another. It’s impossible to predict, and diverts expectations constantly in the most delightful of ways.

It also has this whole other story going on with Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) that was really fun. I would go as far as saying as possibly her own story could have solved everything without everyone else which is kind of funny if you think about it.

I don’t think that aspect is a spoiler, as the rest of the team is definitely need but it points out that she somehow also has her own whole tale going on while you’re focused on this incredible main cast of characters. It’s also something that’s entirely a standalone, while at the same time somewhat continuing the universe. It’s so refreshing to have something hero wise that’s not just setting up something to come in the future, and I want more of this.
The Suicide Squad Wallpaper movie
The core of this story is Bloodsport (Idris Elba) who leads the squad, but is essentially the exact same as Deadshot from the previous film and also Peacemaker (John Cena). I make this comment, because they actually have a joke about it in the movie that Peacemaker and Bloodsport are basically the same and Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) notes they’re picked for their unique talents. The whole movie is very funny, with so many good jokes that land throughout.

I will note it’s impossible to go over the entire cast or I’d be here all day, but I’ll try to go over the highlights. Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney) returns in almost too small of a role. We have the true leader of the squad Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) that I now want way more of. There’s the hilariously useless Javelin (Flula Borg) and our initial audience entry point Savant (Michael Rooker). Ratcatcher 2 (Daniela Melchior) is mostly the heart of this experience, and her father was a perfect choice.

Then there’s King Shark (Sylvester Stallone) that is not bright yet charming. You’ve got Polka-Dot Man (David Dastmalchian) that has mother issues and the need to vomit. Keep in mind that there are many, many more characters here and everyone is handled perfectly. This squad is after The Thinker (Peter Capaldi) and the sinister thing the man has been working on for decades. The group is hilarious together, and also funny when spread out.

You get so many moments of humor whether that’s in a violent sense, a sort of family situation or perhaps just a commentary on what’s going on. It provides a massive variety of situations that go on, and yet the pacing is perfect. It flows beautifully well and keeps the action going the whole time. You do get some really lovely smaller more intimate moments where the group has fun that humanizes them, but it makes sure to keep your attention the entire way through. It’s ridiculous at times, over the top perhaps.

Still just pure fun, no matter who is involved. I really enjoyed Peacemaker so I’m very excited to see the standalone show for that character. It’s even more fun seeing the dynamics of them all come together, such as Peacemaker and Bloodsport facing off in a fun way or Ratcatcher using rats in a funny way with others. It’s just neat to see these folks all interact, despite the insane stuff going on. It’s very violent like I said, it never holds back.

It’s also beautifully shot, perfectly choreographed and features some stunning scenes. You get flowers popping out behind Harley Quinn while she guns opponents down or even get some pop out moments when others fight. It all comes together in a dazzling way, that is a delight to the eyes. The shots are always shifting, and changing to keep you focused. It’s amazing to take in quite honestly. You’ll also definitely catch some smaller adult stuff going on, that’s handled well. It is very much for the mature audience, so keep that in mind when going to view this one.

The Conclusion

The Suicide Squad is a near perfect film, it’s hilarious while still being full of heart and genuinely thrilling the whole time through. I really enjoyed seeing the characters interact, and that no one was really safe at all. It’s amazing how this movie completely diverts your expectations.

It does this multiple times throughout the film, where nothing is totally what it seems. You’ll be going in one direction and then be entirely shifted somewhere else. It’s a wonderful feeling. I was just totally captured by this experience, having an absolute blast with it.

You’ll really come to enjoy the characters, to connect with them and have a grand time the whole way through. It’s always doing some wild, or random while still having a heart for the different characters involved. It makes you care about the silly ones, and even more about the primary characters that you shouldn’t get attached to as when they’re in this Suicide Squad their only reward is likely death.

This one seriously delivers, behind a remarkable joyride filled with shocking moments and excitement. Nothing is held back, and it completely eclipses the similarly titled movie that came before. I’m very happy to hopefully completely forget that one exists, as this is basically a perfect representation of the crew.

The Suicide Squad Poster
The Suicide Squad Review at Theater with Standard Viewing
Screening Provided by Warner Brothers

Rating Overall: 9.3

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner