Top 10 Real Movies within Movies

Here are 10 times real movies appeared within other movies. Not any fake films created by the studio or director and instead classic films that were given a small spot within another film. This list isn't in a ranking order and instead showcases ten times we got to see these fun references with some that might be familiar and hopefully some that you missed when first watching a movie. There might be some you never heard of or entirely missed as well.

#10: La La Land (Rebel Without a Cause)

A pivotal point in the movie, this is where the two leads have their first "date" to watch Rebel Without a Cause. This is part of research for Mia's possible new role. The film burns out halfway through.

#9: Zombieland (Ghostbusters)

While taking a special tour to a magical man's house, two of the team split off to give a little taste of their host's history by showing Ghostbusters. The rest of the group then acts it out, it's quite hilarious.

#8: The LEGO Batman Movie (Jerry Maguire)

Apparently Batman loves romantic comedies as we catch him watching Jerry Maguire, while Must Love Dogs and Serendipity get minor mentions during this block based adventure.

LEGO Batman Movie Jerry Maguire

#7: Back to the Future 2 (A Fistful of Dollars)

While A Fistful of Dollars was just in the background of Back to the Future 2 it was actually a key point of reference for an important scene in the third Back to the Future movie.

#6: Hot Fuzz (Bad Boys 2 and Pointbreak)

After a rough night the two leads get together for some bonding over classic cop films that Simon Pegg's intense character has never seen. There are other references used later as well in the regards to the viewed movies.

#5: Jumanji (The Wizard of Oz)

While Jumanji is a rather dark film, it's interesting to get a good laugh when all the escaped monkeys pal together to watch The Wizard of Oz in one of the store showcases. It shows in particular a scene with The Tin Man and a large battle.

Zombieland Ghostbusters

#4: Jurassic Park (Jaws)

This runs more on the lines of being an Easter Egg, but on one of the main computer screens that run the park you can see a scene from Jaws in there. It's rather small and easy to miss so you may need to pause to see that.

#3: 10 Cloverfield Lane (Pretty in Pink)

It actually gets talked about a fair bit in the film, Pretty in Pink is definitely a focal point at times since it's a part of Paramount's history. They showcase the computer scene, it has not aged well.

#2: Twister (The Shining)

A Twister might damage many things, but nothing can stop The Shining from being clearly displayed during one of the big destruction scenes. It can be noticed in the background fairly easily since it's at the drive-in.

#1: I Am Legend (Shrek)

While out of place to some degree, there's a long scene where Will Smith's character gets saved and wakes up to see a kid watching Shrek. He then reacts to the movie knowing it quite well and talking along.

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