Glow Season 2 Review

Glow (gorgeous ladies of wrestling) returns with the ladies back and ready for their first season of taping. The show's original season was about coming together in a weird way whereas this one is about keeping it going and dealing with the problems along the way. The cast is comfortable in their roles and it's great to see a deeper look at the group of characters. Most of this season is focused on the ensemble and furthermore the core group, but we do get portions dedicated to minor relationships and stories which helped flesh out the group. On top of that the core team matures further and we got to see a deeper look into their lives.

Ruth (Alison Brie) still comes across as the focus and it's all about her trying to make it while making things right. Debbie (Betty Gilpin) is attempting to make life work as a single mother while being a destructive force. Finally we have Sam (Marc Maron) still stuck in his old ways while trying to grow up a bit with a daughter in his life and this whole team of ladies wrestling as he directs. Together there are many dynamics at play and it's a great time watching everyone conflict throughout every episode. It still has that fun comedic aspect, but doubles down on some of the emotional elements that make this a compelling series of episodes.
Glow Season 2 Wallpaper
For the most part Glow season 2 has a great flow to it, the episodes are entertaining and enjoyable to watch. I did find the one random episode to be a bit weird considering everything that was going on. I liked it since it went wild, but it still seemed really out of place considering everything that was progressing at that time. They really captured the aesthetic of the era well and it was interesting to see the various dynamics at play.

You have characters handling their personal problems while balancing being an act on the show and behind that members having to make sure the show still continues to go on. Things don't always come down to just simply existing as a show, there are people involved on the network side and seeing that clash against something of what formed into a cult following was uniquely different. I felt that some portions of the season were predictable and perhaps too telegraphed. That being said, even if I saw some moments coming they still delivered them in a really powerful way.

The Conclusion

Glow Season 2 is a great next step for the gorgeous ladies of wrestling as they develop individually and as a group. The episodes had a good balance of various characters and in tone. There were moments of sorrow, some that were quietly stunning and other parts that were fun. We got to see a deeper look at some of the side characters that didn't get very much attention last time and we get to see some more from the core cast we care about the most.

The relationship dynamics were great and it felt realistic in terms of what happened throughout. Some parts were too predictable, but still an enjoyable journey towards them. There's some great chemistry here with the cast and I can't wait to see the next chapter for this group as things continue to change. They brought a lot of variation here from sets, to the situations the characters found themselves in.

Glow Season 2 Review at Home with Streamed Viewing
Screening was Provided by Netflix

Rating Overall: 7.7

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner