Lucifer Season 6 Review

October 7, 2021 at 9:36pm
By Jason Stettner

This is a Netflix Original Series that has been brought to the streaming service and is now in its concluding sixth season. It was saved by Netflix, and it’s exciting to see that happen as this has been a show I’ve been following since it first aired. I rarely do with TV shows, so it’s great to actually watch it all at once as opposed to waiting week after week. The previous season was a two part split but this is a singular block of additional episodes that fully wraps everything up.

It almost seems unnecessary at times in terms of the direction the plot takes, but I did appreciate just having more of the show to enjoy. Quite honestly I thought the ending of the last season was a perfectly fine conclusion, as this one does sort of undo and make some of the story arcs from the last season sort of pointless. Whatever the case, we have Lucifer (Tom Ellis) preparing to transition into the role of god which he battled for all last season.

He’s joined by Chloe (Lauren German) with the two just enjoying life for a bit. There’s a bit of trouble however as this new mysterious youth Rory (Brianna Hildebrand) has jumped into their lives. You get to see Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside) grapple with human based police work which dives into modern policing issues within the United States.

It seems like every show as done so recently, and to be fair they did set this sort of thing up earlier but they lean into heavily here. Dan (Kevin Alejandro) continues in a fun sort of way, working towards getting out of his guilt. These separate plots basically set forth towards a conclusion that ends in a sort of way I was happy with but also not totally pleased with in regards to the elongated journey that was left to hit there.
Lucifer Season 6 Wallpaper
Other important characters include Linda (Rachael Harris) as she goes towards becoming a writer. There’s Ella (Aimee Garcia) who is confused and trying to figure things out. We get a nice little wrap-up with Trixie (Scarlett Estevez) that I thought was sweet.

Then of course there’s Eve (Inbar Lavi) and the always deadly Mazikeen (Lesley-Ann Brandt) getting their wrap up as well. There’s a lot going on, and a ton of characters as you can imagine. Basically everyone gets some time here and for the most part all were handled in a satisfactory way.

There were some weird things going on with Chloe’s character at times, but it did work out for the most part. The cast all seemed very confident in their roles at this point, it’ll feel similar to what you’ve experienced in the past here with this one. The visuals were quite smooth in regards to the good looking CGI content and well choreographed action sequences.

In general these elements are way better after being made available through Netflix which is great. It all looks quite good with returning quality sets and familiar places being revisited as everything works towards its finale wrap up. Fans will generally be pleased with what’s being presented here, at least I feel that’s the case.

The Conclusion

Lucifer Season 6 is a solid conclusion to the series about the devil learning about human life, love and of course the responsibilities of possible being god. It does throw away some of the good story material from the last season to change things up a bit so that was hit or miss with me. It ends on a bit of a weird note and your thoughts on fate will probably determine your enjoyment of how this one all begins to wrap up.

Some of that aspect felt a bit silly to me, most definitely when there’s a bit of a skip. It also leaned heavily into American social issues, something we’ve seen with every single cop procedural recently and that might feel a bit played out. They did do it well throughout the series, it just seems a bit heavier here. With that, I can’t believe it’s the end.

I’ve covered each of the show, I’ve watched since it first aired. It was quite a ride, I had fun and laughs. It was filled with action, surprises and weird moments. I loved how it handled the angelic moments and it’s almost hard to say good bye. It doesn’t need to last forever I suppose, but I’d always be up for more. Even if I felt this last season sort of coasted off in comparison to the one that came prior.

Lucifer Season 6 Review at Home with Streamed Viewing
Screening was Provided by Netflix

Rating Overall: 7.0

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner