You Season 3 Review

October 23, 2021 at 6:00am
By Jason Stettner

You has once again returned, with more of the same weird action you’ve probably come to expect and in a stranger setting. After the events of the last season we find Joe (Penn Badgley) and Love (Victoria Pedretti) attempting to live a regular suburban sort of life. They have a child, and are just trying to make it work or well not really at all it seems.

It’s the usual tendencies that sneak up again and it’s like watching a trainwreck in regards to the characters and their actions. Both of these individuals are really messed up to the core, but it’s really the poor control of Love that truly sends this group spiraling away. It was actually rather neat to see Joe attempt to have restraint in regards to some situations, more so than his counterpart initially.

They’re both terrible people of course, and I really couldn’t rally behind them at all. I really wanted some sense of a happy ending or something where everything could be worked out but that’s just not what’s present here. It’s a bunch of pretentious rich individuals dealing with weird issues and the duo having messed up situations happen.

Joe is once again trying to find “You” which seems to be, just the next person as no one is good enough obviously. Then there’s Love having some stressful situations and a messed up fling that was really weird. There will of course be death, murder and random situations as this duo deals with trying to be regular folks. I would have liked to see more of a normal between them before things go haywire as we got small glimpses of that.
You Season 3 Wallpaper
This is actually well shot featuring some very unique locations while still keeping things intimate between the core two characters. I liked that they really focused on the family and I was definitely into the first few episodes. After awhile it felt almost too repetitive of what we’ve seen before, or even what they were showing.

Some of the decisions really made me wonder why it was so compelling to watch this trainwreck of a journey. There was a certain point where I just knew things weren’t going to quite go well. It’s a shame as I actually really enjoyed seeing the two in their element working together but with so many splintering moments and terrible decisions I found it impossible to get behind any of them.

I need some sort of thing to hold onto between the two, that keeps me cheering for at least one of them. They’re both clever though, that’s for sure. Acting wise it’s solid, such a varied group and some really messed up surrounding rich folks. There’s a weird scene in a forest, one messed up kid trying to be a savior and a dangerous bakery. Stay out of the backroom I tell you.

The Conclusion

You Season 3 is basically more of the same, it’s clever yet at the same time something I’m a bit tired of. I couldn’t get behind any of the characters and I can only watch so much of this before I get bored. I enjoyed the last seasons despite some ups and downs, but with this one I really felt as though I drifted away towards the end. I had to finish it all in a sitting though so that was impressive for keeping me wanting to see how it all worked out.

I think fans will likely be satisfied with the wrap-up, but I almost would have been fine at the end of the last season. I really liked the first few episodes, I wish they would have strengthened the core duo instead of splintering them. They’re so much fun when they work together and I feel we’ve missed out on some rather messed hidden murders that could have happened in future seasons if those were to come. Oh well I suppose.

You Season 3 Review at Home with Streamed Viewing

Rating Overall: 6.5

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner