Captain Marvel Xbox One X Console Details

March 7, 2019 at 5:18pm

There’s a special edition Captain Marvel Xbox One X console out there, and it’s available as a giveaway item. In celebration of the film’s release, the official Xbox social media pages are running a special contest to win this one of a kind design. This event runs to March 29, 2019 and is open to residents of any Xbox Live supported region.

The custom design showcases the character’s classic red, blue and yellow colors. It has her large logo splashed across both the console and the controller. There’s even film titling across both with the console having it across the top whereas the controller has it on the right hand lower side. It’s unknown if any special sounds are made when it powers up like most limited Xbox consoles do. You can read our review of the film below, or check out the hub for more coverage of the powerful console.

Read our Captain Marvel Review
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Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner