Skate 3 Xbox 360 Servers Back Online

Update: Playstation 3 servers are also back, Trophies should be obtainable on that platform. This was focused on just Xbox 360 initially as a confirmation wasn't available yet. The Skate 3 Xbox 360 servers are back online after having been closed for a number of years. This was confirmed as of June 5, 2018 which could mean a number of different things for the series. Whatever the case, players can now enjoy the online components while also being able to earn Xbox Achievements once again as many were lost. Five Achievements were lost, four should definitely be available again though the last one might not be due to its use of logo creation.

That extra information aside, for those wanting to jump back into the game on either Xbox 360 or Xbox One through Xbox Backwards Compatibility you can now engage in the online aspects. The game can be played for free for those that subscribe to EA Access and the title is also Xbox One X enhanced bringing 4k resolution visuals. This is also a good excuse to jump into the game again for a grand time with others. The install size on Xbox One is noted as 6.67 GB if you were considering installing it again.

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Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner