Youtube Stories Copyright Details

There's a brand new service rolling out for creators with over 10,000 subscribers on Youtube. It's basically taking the concept that Instagram and Snapchat have been using, but for fans that follow larger channels. The pictures/videos created last seven days and are only available for those using the mobile app. With that, I've found out details about the Youtube Stories copyright details. This is rather important as it might affect your channel. With the inquiry to the Creators Assistance I learned that video and audio content presented through the Youtube Stories are subject to the Content ID system.

This is essentially that system that flags videos and such across the platform. If a video within the story is claimed, the video will be blocked and won't play. That's about it and I was directed to their standard page. That basically sums up what's allowed, so best to be cautious in regards to what you post, assuming you have access to the new service. This should assist with the questions you might have regarding the legality of it all, be sure to check out the top 10 gaming videos from the service during 2018 which can be found below.

Read about the Youtube Top 10 Gaming Videos
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