Skycaptin5lol DayZ Channel FAQ | Realm Form/Info

DayZ - Skycaptin5lol

Known as Skycaptin5 generally, the channel does feature quite a lot of DayZ content. This page is specifically setup for the Xbox One version.

Youtube Skycaptin5lol
Twitter @Skycaptin5

Donating - Click Here to Paypal

This is a link, here you can send in money that will directly go towards extending the life of the server. Remember that a $0.30 + 2.9% will be taken from each donation, this is what Paypal charges to handle payments and out of my control. I will note that a month for 10 players is $21 CAD. I'll be transparent for what has been sent in, and spent on the DayZ Server for Xbox One that's titled "Skycaptin5lol Youtube Server". If we get a good enough selection going the player count may be extended.

Current Pool Available: $8.71 (32 Days Left Starting December 11, 2019)
Total Pool (Historic): $86.38

All Donors
Scott Boba Fett Walker $42
Andreas Von Lonski $24.38
Dermot Bergin $20