Pokemon Go Calgary Starter Guide

Pokemon Go has seen rapid growth in Canada and for those local to Calgary I thought it might be great to put together a starter guide. This came after a walk out with some of my friend's family as they've all gotten into the act of catching Pokemon. With that you're going to want to sign-up regularly and get all the customization done.

The system of catching is actually quite easy and while it might seem overwhelming to some you'll pick it up quickly. The game captures the world around you using GPS to emulate a map which encourages players to travel around collecting Pokemon. I want to also mention that you don't need to necessarily leave your house right away as you can catch plenty of Pokemon at home to start off.

To do this you'll simply walk around or wait until you feel a buzz and see a Pokemon pop up. If show as little creatures on the map and you just click them. This opens up an AR (augmented reality) catching system using your camera and you flick the Pokeballs at the creatures to catch them. There's a bit more to it in terms of how you interact with the throws or aiming, but this is just to get you started and you'll get the hang of it fast.

I also wanted to continue with the best methods for finding Pokemon. While moving you'll occasionally see little grass pockets that are animated pop-up. These show the general area for Pokemon and following or moving around these areas will often help you find them. Once caught Pokemon will have a CP level which is their strength, you want the strong ones.

If you have lower end Pokemon click on them in inventory and transfer them for extra candy. The candy and dust you gain allows you to evolve or even level up the Pokemon you receive. I would suggest holding onto the Stardust until you're a higher level though feel free to evolve your Pokemon if you'd like.

The next big thing is where you need to travel, eventually your Pokeballs will be exhausted. On the map certain locations are called Pokestops, travel to these and flick the circle when you're close. This will give you new balls and bonuses to continue hunting with, so some travel is eventually required. There are also gyms, but that's not part of this starting guide as it's a past level five aspect. Hopefully these tips get you started on your path to catch them all!

Check out Best Spots to catch Pokemon in Calgary
Read our Pokemon Go Review

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner