Pokemon Go Safari Zone 2021 Review

October 15, 2021 at 4:45pm
By Jason Stettner

The Pokemon Go Safari Zone event is a minor three day event taking place from October 15th to October 17th. It features some distinct catches to grab and some challenges to enjoy. I was able to choose a day to play it on, and did so on the first day.

While this event is global in nature, it is something that is taking place in specific spots that you could attend in person and that’s somewhat cool. Those spots include a zone in Liverpool during this specific weekend. Then there’s one in Philadelphia that runs from October 29th to October 31st. Finally there’s a St Louis zone from November 12th to November 14th.

Back to my experience, I was able to complete the two special sets of special research while sitting at home. I did head to a local park as I thought that was best, it is about getting out you know. There I was able to pop-on incense that lasts for several hours and collect special event research from spinning the Pokestops.

There were some fairly common Pokemon around and I collected a bunch since some were more distinct than others. A highlight was Pikachu with a dapper hat and also getting a Relicanth which I hadn’t collected prior. I would have liked some sort of shiny increase, that would have been nice to see. Perhaps an extra challenge set would have been good.
Pokemon Go Safari Zone 2021 Day 1 game
It’s an overall decent type of event. It got me motivated to take a tour outside so that’s important. This one hit my expectations I’d say, and it is nice that the challenges could be tackled from home. Particularly since the ongoing Covid presence, so that was handled well. I would say it’s fine as an activity to give you something special to do.

Don’t expect anything too intensive from it, but I imagine you’ll enjoy it if the game is something you regularly play. It was mostly just the desire to have some sort of incense or rarity shiny increase that would have propped this up a tad more for me. Regardless, it was a worthwhile time to me. With that, there’s a spots to catch guide below, and the Pokemon Go hub for further game coverage.

Read our Pokemon Go Calgary Best Spots to Catch
View our Pokemon Go Hub

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner