Oh Spyro, it has been far too long since your friendly face has graced a console in proper form. Once lost to Skylanders, the friendly and fire filled dragon is back. This package is set to bring the first three games; Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!, and Spyro: Year of the Dragon to modern platforms. That being Xbox One, Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch. It does this by using Unreal Engine to stunning results while also retaining classic voice actors to redo their performances. I'm adding this all in for context as you may not be aware of the situation for this Reignited Trilogy.
While at E3 2018 in the final hour or so of my presence there I was killing time, I saw the Spyro station and went for it. I was told prior to attending there would be a media station by Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and Destiny 2, however that wasn't the case. So I mentioned that aspect and was rushed in for some time which was great. This was a fun series and there's something magical about seeing the visuals pop with colors. It's hard to get the same feeling when games are remade like this one has been and they straight up nailed it in every way.
Honestly it was hard for me to recall the game aside from flying around lighting things on fire and collecting gems. Whatever the case, I could feel that strong nostalgia arriving once I hopped on the station and ran around. It wasn't anything too amazing in terms of what we were able to play, but two strong areas that gave an indication of what this final product will be. This is one stellar, colorful and vibrant experience. It's going to resonate well with those that played it in the past while also being something too adorable for newcomers.
The little dragon flops around shooting bright fire while also feeling fierce when gathering speed to jump. You remove foes from play, collect those big gems and save other dragons. Everything comes across as epic, yet still welcoming with such a detailed and simple world. There's something about the art style that is perfect and it handles very well. I didn't get to play a lot of the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, but from what I did get to try out I'm truly excited for what the full package has to offer. I can't wait to see this dragon get another chance that is certainly deserved. This will be a good one for all audiences.
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