X018 is fast approaching and it's set to be a bigger event for Xbox taking the typical FanFest atmosphere, then expanding upon it. Some details surrounding what we'll see have already been confirmed and I thought it made sense to compile what to expect with the event. I'll also include what won't be there as some developers have already mentioned their exclusive titles won't be shown.
The setup was to counteract the typical Playstation Experience which isn't going on this year, but it is best to keep expectations minimal. Keep in mind that this is not a press type event, just purely focused on the stream and the traditional FanFest setup. There will be a Inside Xbox livestream that is set to the biggest ever apparently, that's according to the Xbox announcements. The detailed lists of expectations are below and broken down into three categories.
What to Expect
-Ashen (at event, playable)
-Below (at event, playable)
-Crackdown 3
-Additional Game Pass titles for November
-Kingdom Hearts 3
-PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (probably the snow map)
-Sea of Thieves Update
-Mouse & Keyboard Games
-Shadow of the Tomb Raider: The Forge
-State of Decay 2 Update (probably last DLC)
-The Division 2
You Might See
-Age of Empires (Definitives + IV)
-Forza Horizon 4 Update Update: Confirmed to be there
-Gears (Tactics or Pop!)
-Metrox Exodus
-Minecraft (4k Enhanced + Super Duper Graphics Pack)
-New Enhanced Xbox 360 & Original Xbox Games
-New Xbox Backwards Compatible (Original Titles)
-Ori and The Will of The Wisps
-Studio Acquisition (Obsidian)
-Sunset Overdrive PC (Windows PC confirmed, hopefully Xbox Play Anywhere + Enhanced)
Won't See
-Ashen Release Date
-Gears 5
-Halo Infinite
-Playground's Next Title (Rumored Fable)
Read our Gears 5 Won't be at X018
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