Game of HAM How to Play

Release Date: 2020
Publisher: Game of HAM LLC
Developer: Bill S. Naim

Game of HAM (Hating All Mankind) is a party card and board based game that aims to provide plenty of laughter. It does this through various weird means, and definitely aims to provide a darker sense of humor. There are a variety of ways to play, with optional rules to choose from. The instructions on how to play the game in general can be found below.

Game of HAM Box Art

Review Score: 6.9/10
How to Play
Board Games Hub

1. The judge reads a grey card

2.Every player (besides the judge) plays a pink card they feel is appropriate for the grey card (usually it’s humor based), and then they draw back up to ten cards.

3. The judge picks a winner, and that winner moves (usually forward) either number at the bottom of the grey card they won.

4. That player picks up a colored card that corresponds to the colored ability spot they landed on.

5. The player who won the previous round becomes the judge for the following round.

6. The game will end when a player reaches the golden spot and lands on it exactly.