This installment of Tomb Raider Inferno is the fourth and final entry of the miniseries that fills in some of the missing information from between Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. These are the recent games in the rebooted franchise. I personally thought the games explained it well but it’s nice to see that they’re willing to expand the universe more. Having not personally read the previous three installments I can’t say for sure that they tie in together but if the other comics are written anything like the games I’m sure it all flows together greatly.
This volume follows our title character Lara Croft, the Tomb Raider hunting down the Trinity excavation site in Antarctica called The Tomb of Eden. Although this comic is action packed as the games are it was still an interesting read and easy to follow. What’s different in this issue compared to the games, is that Trinity is actually expecting Lara and is as equally prepared- if not better prepared- as Lara. The comic does a good job not only using new characters that are memorable like Nadija but also old reoccurring characters like Noah.
I must say I’m not a huge fan of the artwork in this comic, it is done well but it doesn’t catch my eye. The colors are great, very well done and vibrant, shows off the environments well. Phillip Sevy is a great artist and his work shows here. Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing are the writers on the Inferno series and just from what I read they did justice to Lara and her tale.
Tomb Raider Volume 4: Inferno is a good read which looks good and helps build the lore of the new rebooted Tomb Raider video game series. It is done well and keeps the reader interested. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes the new Tomb Raider series. With about sixty pages it’s a fairly quick read.
Tomb Raider Volume 4: Inferno Book Review
Author: Jackson Lanzing
ISBN: 9781506705033
Review Copy Provided by Penguin Random House Canada