Call of Duty Mobile Zombies Mystery Box Challenge

Release Date: October 1, 2019
Platforms: IOS, Android
Publisher: Activision
Developer: TiMi Studios

Within the free to play Call of Duty Mobile the zombies mode presents a number of interesting situations for survival or regular play. These undead horde focused levels can be played alone, or in a group of four cooperatively online, but for this situation you’ll likely be tackling it alone unless you have a full squad to try it with. This is for those that want something more difficulty wise when it comes to surviving in zombies.

Call of Duty Mobile Box Art

Review Score: X/10
Install Size: X GB
Clan Guide
Multiplayer Maps
Multiplayer Modes
Call of Duty Mobile Hub

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The Mystery Box Challenge
Here are a simple set of rules to follow to setup your own special challenge, and try for the highest score possible! The score is of course whatever the highest wave you can reach is, with an inclusion of zombies left if you feel the competition will be too close.

-Solo (Or Multiple Players Private)
-First gun you get from the box is your only gun for the rest of the game
-Can use your pistol until you use the box
-Tripmine is allowed
-Knife is allowed
-Perks are allowed (No Quick Revive)
-Buffs are allowed
-Power-ups are allowed
-Traps are allowed
-No Revives, first death is the end