Minecraft Earth Smelting Guide

If you’ve been having troubles understanding, need a brush up or are new to the game’s building mechanics this should be a helpful article. Here’s a quick straight forward Minecraft Earth Smelting guide. This is a simple element of the game that will help you produce special items out of the materials you collect.

You start this process by clicking the middle icon of your main navigation. This will open up an area that has a bunch of icons in a row. Below those icons you’ll see three slots for placing items within. The area that follows are the recipes that can be created using your furnace. When you tap on any of them it’ll show what materials are needed as shown in the picture that follows.
Minecraft Earth Smelting
To start the process you will pick one of these and it will pop up with multiple options to choose from. You’ll have a tab for initial details, and one for fuel. There will be a plus or minus selection to select how much of something you want to create. You can also just click minus in order to get the max quantity of item you can create. Below the desired creation you’ll get an idea of how much time it will take to make.

You will not be able to smelt anything else until your current creation is completed its processing time. Fuel is the second tab, and important for this path of creation. You have to select elements that can be used such as wood, coal or other flammable materials. Once you’ve got everything chosen, select smelt and wait for the time to run out. Once that’s done you can collect the item and then use them for your creations.

It’s an easy thing to do, but not necessarily something you’ll spend a lot of time using unlike regular crafting which is essential. Through the furnace you’ll be able to create objects such as glass, smoother blocks and various bars. It’ll come in handy, yet not always be needed and mainly just used for upgrading your tools through the ingots you produce. Hopefully you found this particular guide helpful, you can read another one below or check out our hub for further coverage on this franchise.

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Read about Crafting in Minecraft Earth

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner